AGENDA: -1. Accepting Rules of Procedure 0. Agenda 1.: Technical and Legislative technical changes: #SAP 12, #SAP 13, #SAP 14, #SAP 18, #SAP 22 * první se bude řešit SAP 18 -> náš, podporujeme všechno 2.: Proxying and Voting: #SAP 20, #SAP-28, #SAP 30 (replacing the 15) * SAP 20 - naše abolishion of proxiing (needs better reasoning), requirement of absolute majority (needs better reasoning) - YES * SAP 28 - Public voting - YES! * SAP 30 - admending the statuses by 2/3 of OM present (before, it was total) - not sure about this, proposed amendement (on extraordinary sessions only if held for this reason and then maybe support) NO uless our adition passed, then YES 3.: Multiple Ordinary Members from one country solutions: #SAP 1a, #SAP 1b, #SAP 2a, #SAP 2b, #SAP 19, #SAP 25, #SAP 29, #SAP 32 * Subgroup a: #SAP-1a; #SAP-2a; #SAP-2b-(I, -III); #SAP-29; #SAP-32 * Subgroup b: #SAP-1b; #SAP-2b-(II, -IV); #SAP-19; #SAP-25 * two subgroups: (a) jen jeden Ordinary Member z jednoho "místa" - state, teritorry,...; (b) Více Ordinary members z jednoho místa. PRO (b) další specifika - (c) Možnost více hlasů na jeden suverennní stát - PROTI; (d) Allowing Splitting the votes from one country - PRO; (e) Additional decision by GA requiered after the adminision of multiple members - PROTI /admitting new members/ 4.: Board reforms: #SAP 21, #SAP 27 * SAP 21 - náš podpora, mělo by se připravit pořádné vysvětlení. - YES * SAP 27 - Changing Board into Board of representatives (paralell GA) - NO! /board elections/ 5.: Regarding Court of Arbitration: #SAP 11, #SAP 17, #SAP 26, #SAP 31 * 17 a 31 si konkurují, první rozhodnotu mezi nimi * o 26 hlasovat před hlasováním o 25! (group 3) * SAP 11 - (adding investigators) - no opinion, abstain (or "no"?) * SAP 17 - good one, support - firm, understandable rules, one Judge per Orginary Member, clear rules of astablishing and Jury and so. YES * SAP 26 - adding a Jury from all Members - NO! * SAP 31 - kombinace 17 a více přesnosti, až na body (9) a (14?) jednoznačně YES. /CoA elections/ 6.: Measurable goals of PPI: #SAP 23 YES 7.: Setting political agenda (goals) of PPI: #SAP 8, #SAP 9 "We do not support accepting ad-hoc political goals, but there should be an extra debate on political goals of Pirate Movement and then odpoting them into Statuses, maybe." <- Propose an other motion to held extraordinary meeting about that. NO on them. (try to get them of the agenda?) 8.: Adoption of e-democracy: #SAP 24 Not time for that, but actually not bad. Proposed some changes in wording and support. YES MOPs MOP 1 - see no need for this, ABSTAIN (tradable YES) MOP-2 - incorporated in RoP art.5(9) - ABSTAIN or whatever comes out, but make it quick. MOP-3 - incorporated in RoP art 6(3) - NO or whatever comes out. MOP-4 - setting goals YES, possibly add something MOP-5 - YES MOP-6 - YES Dojmy: