Výjezd PP-CZ na valnou hromadu PPI do Varšavy: termín: 4 a 5. 7. 2015 kde: https://www.google.cz/maps/place/Kopernika+30,+00-336+Warszawa,+Polsko/@52.2366951,21.0216895,15z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x471ecc5f475136f3:0xd5018872a7e8a848 bližší info: https://www.facebook.com/events/1596019687336645/ naše poslání: Výměna zkušeností, navázání kontaktů, společný potup v PPI, PPEU registrace: máme jak se pojede: Mikiho autem kdy se vyjede: 3. 7. cca v 18:00 z Tróje, pavilon KFNT v zadní části areálu kde se bude spát: https://www.booking.com/hotel/pl/jm-aparthotel-warszawa.cs.html?aid=357033;label=postbooking_confemail;sid=8bc2bbcca9dd64b6d5cd2f23effb204e;dcid=4;dist=0&group_adults=2&no_rooms=1&type=total& s sebou: plán našeho zapojení se, pirátské předměty NAŠE PŘIPOMÍNKY: https://titanpad.com/zufRou5R4x https://forum.pirati.cz/zahranicni-odbor-f185/mumble-schuze-zo-t17127-10.html#p380713 SAP-1 - napíšeme protinávrh, který omezuje "nepirátské" přihlášky pouze na situace, kde není možno název Pirát v názvu použít. (Resp návrh změny, podívám se na RoP, jak to má být) SAP-2 - když chceš být podporovatel, tak transparentně; Nemám problém s tím, abychom skrývali identitu lidí, kteří nám posílají příspěvky (do jisté výše) a nic za to nemají (nejsme politická strana, nemáme podíl na moci); Mám problém s tím, abychom zřídili členství, které nebude kontrolovatelné a udržovatelné. - 1. Návrh změny legislativní - 2. Counterproposal s veřejným podporovacím členstvím (vůbec bychom mohli regisr členů zveřejnit) SAP-3 - OK SAP-4 - přidat "Additional", když už se do toho hrabe SAP-5 - *Oprava SAP 1 - counterproposal Proposal: changes: *IV. Ordinary Members (1) The Ordinary Members are the founding Members and those accepted by the General Assembly according to section III, paragraph (4). (2) To Ordinary Membership are eligible Members organisations that a) adhere to these statutes and the goals of the association as laid down by these statutes, b) are established political party in their country, b)c) use the inflection of the word Pirate in their name, and c)d) have an inner order based on democratic principles. Requirements b) and c) need not to be fulfilled by applicants if their country or state does not allow them to be fullfilled (or makes it very difficult for them). (2)(3) There can be multiple Ordinary Members per sovereign state. In this case, the voting power of this sovereign state is split between these Members. (3) The General Assembly is authorized to grant Member status in Pirate Parties International to any Pirate party , which subscribes to the association’s principles and accepts its statutes and internal regulations. (4) Ordinary Members have the right to a) sit and vote in the General Assembly, b) nominate candidates for any body of the association, and c) submit motions to the General Assembly. Proposal: proposed wording: *IV. Ordinary Members (1) The Ordinary Members are the founding Members and those accepted by the General Assembly according to section III, paragraph (4). (2) To Ordinary Membership are eligible organisations that * a) adhere to these statutes and the goals of the association as laid down by these statutes, * b) are established political party in their country, * c) use the inflection of the word Pirate in their name, and * d) have an inner order based on democratic principles. Requirements b) and c) need not to be fulfilled by applicants if their country or state does not allow them to be fullfilled (or makes it very difficult for them). (3) There can be multiple Ordinary Members per sovereign state. In this case, the voting power of this sovereign state is split between these Members. (4) Ordinary Members have the right to * a) sit and vote in the General Assembly, * b) nominate candidates for any body of the association, and * c) submit motions to the General Assembly. Additionally, the generall assembly tasks the Board to reassses and consult Current ordinary members if they fulfill these requirements. Proposal: current wording: *IV. Ordinary Members (1) The Ordinary Members are the founding Members and those accepted by the General Assembly according to section III, paragraph (4). To Ordinary Membership are eligible Members that * a) adhere to these statutes and the goals of the association as laid down by these statutes, * b) use the inflection of the word Pirate in their name, and * c) have an inner order based on democratic principles. (2) There can be multiple Ordinary Members per sovereign state. In this case, the voting power of this sovereign state is split between these Members. (3) The General Assembly is authorized to grant Member status in Pirate Parties International to any Pirate party, which subscribes to the association’s principles and accepts its statutes and internal regulations. (4) Ordinary Members have the right to * a) sit and vote in the General Assembly, * b) nominate candidates for any body of the association, and * c) submit motions to the General Assembly. *Oprava SAP 2 (Individual membership) 1. Změna není možná (je to zasekaný) 2. counterproposal (1): Supporters Nebudem to dělat, je to rozbytý... Chyby: 1) Platící členové by měli menší práva, než neplatící (Observer) 2) Není jasné, jestli organizace se mají ucházet o Observer nebo Supporter 3) Článek III.(1) uvádí, že členy mohou být pouze strany, nebo jiné organizace 4) Článek III.(3) uvádí, že žádosti o členství se mají posílat Boardu, písemně, včetně oznámení o ratifikaci stanov a interních regulací, vlastní stanovy a vnitřní pravidla, politický program. Tato přihláška má být rozeslána všem členům. 5) Seznam osob, které nabydou práva účastnit se GA, je netransparentní, což je zbytečné v kombinaci s tím, že o supporting memberech má hlasovat GA (veřejně) 6) O přijetí individuálních členů by stále muselo hlasovat GA 7) Pokud nebude možno ověřit v seznamu či kdekoliv kdo je Supporting Member, může se za něj prohlašovat kdokoliv 8) Budou supproteři na GA meetingu moci mluvit? Navrhovat? (není jasně omezeno, možnost zahlcení) *Úprava SAP-4 Subsidiary motion to change proposal: "XXII. (3) c) c) five Board Members" to "XXII. (3) c) c) five additional Board Members" *Oprava SAP-5 *XII. Board (2) The Board and the Alternate Members are elected for two years by the General Assembly at the regular sessions or if an extraordinary session is requested for that purpose. (6) There shall be four Alternate Members of the Board. If one seat of the Board becomes vacant, one of the Alternate Members shall follow-up according to order on a list; the order shall be determined by Board election results. The position of the Alternate Members on the list shall be determined by approval voting. Additionally, Rules of Procedure of general assembly are changed like this: *Art. 6a Elections 6. Election Method * a) Before the voting, the number of elected positions should be decided, if Statutes require to do so. * b) Every Ordinary Member may vote "yes" for any number of candidates. * c) Election consists of two rounds of voting. * i) If fewer candidates than to be elected receives a majority of the votes, they are elected. Abstentions are not taken into account. Otherwise, a second round is held. * ii) In the second round each voter may give preferential vote to as many candidates as should be elected. Candidates are elected in order of the number of preferential votes, in case of equality in the number of votes from the first round and then by lot. * d) If the decided number(Art. 6a (6(a))) of positions is not filled, additional round of elections is held unless decided otherwise. 7. Candidates for board members, that has been selected(Art. 6a (6(c)i))) but not elected, are elected as Alternate Members of the Board and added to the end of Alternate Members list in determined order from second round of elections. If person from the list is later elected to Board, they are ommited from the list. 7.8. Other provisions from Art. 6 apply accordingly. The general assembly further decides that persons elected as Chairman and last three additional Board members and second half of Alternate Members of the board are elected only for an year.