ODESLANO ODESLANO ODESLANO ODESLANO ODESLANO ODESLANO ODESLANO ODESLANO ODESLANO ODESLANO ODESLANO ODESLANO ODESLANO ODESLANO ODESLANO ODESLANO ODESLANO ODESLANO ODESLANO ODESLANO ODESLANO ODESLANO ODESLANO ODESLANO ODESLANO ODESLANO 1. Pad se zapisem ze schuze ZO, kde vznikl puvodni navrh: http://pad.pirati.cz/p/mumble-zo-2012.12 2. Pad s odpovedmi na dotaznik: http://pad.pirati.cz/p/survey 3. Pad s navrhem spolecneho programu PPs v EU: http://pad.pirati.cz/p/navrh-evropskeho-programu ====================================================================================== Cilem prace v tomhle padu je splnit tento slib: Finally, as the PP-CZ won't be attending the Paris conference in any way, I will at least make sure that a declaration of the position of our party towards the topics mentioned in //the survey// and the future development of the PPEU initiative will be posted to this mailing list before the actual conference in Paris begins. To znamena: * Odpovedet na par dulezitych otazek v tom dotazniku (pripravuje se v padu #2) * Dodelat na zaklade odpovedi ostatnich stran na ten dotaznik nase aktualizovane stanovisko (pripravuje se zde) * Dotahnout navrh spolecneho programu, pokud to jeste neni (pripravuje se v padu #3) * Oboji pak spojit do jednoho celku pripraveneho k odeslani (zde), a ten dat pred odeslanim ke kontrole RP ====================================================================================== ====================================================================================== Puvodni aktualizovane stanovisko (nemenil bych ho, jen bych k nemu dodal jeste vetu nebo dve) ====================================================================================== Aktualizovane stanovisko Piratu vuci PPEU: Česká pirátská strana se vymezila vůči PP-EU již v srpnu 2012 tímto [[https://www.pirati.cz/zo/docs/ppcz_ppeu_2012pos|stanoviskem]]. Nyní však pociťujeme potřebu svůj postoj k PP-EU značne poupravit. Česká pirátská strana shledává - zejména ve světle posledního vývoje - proces tvorby PPEU netransparentním, nedůvěryhodným a v tuto chvíli také nadbytečným. Z těchto důvodů se od něj nadále distancujeme. Zároveň vyzýváme ostatní Pirátské strany z členských států EU, aby se připojily k tvorbě společného volebního programu a koordinaci společné volební kampaně tak, jak to bylo zamýšleno v Pražské deklaraci. ============================================ The Czech Pirate Party declared its position towards the PP-EU in August, 2012 - this declaration is available here: https://www.pirati.cz/zo/docs/ppcz_ppeu_2012pos However, the recent development has pressed us towards readjusting our position considerably. The PP-CZ finds the process of creation of the PP-EU - considering decisions made in Barcelona and Manchester mainly - to be nondemocratic, untrustworthy and at this point also redundant. We feel it is now driven solely by the desire to receive the EU funding and will ultimately lead only to a huge amount of time being wasted with no tangible results. Because of these reasons we decided to withdraw from the founding process and only attend those events and partake in those discussions aimed at creating a common program and coordinating a common election campaign for the coming European elections. In this regard, we would like to remind all other Pirate Parties from the EU member states that the Prague declaration was intended mainly as a starting point for a coordinated European elections campaing and only marginally as a declaration of the will to create a European political party. ====================================================================================== Dear European Pirates, I finally managed to finish the promised reply to the survey and added our position towards the future development of the PPEU initiative (find it attached under the reply to the survey). We decided to reply only to those questions that we feel concern us. ================================================================== SURVEY REPLY: ================================================================== 1.Do you want to be a part of a PPEU? We do not, at least not before the 2014 European elections as was already agreed upon by our Board in this document: https://www.pirati.cz/zo/docs/ppcz_ppeu_2012pos Once the 2014 elections will be over, we (all of the members of the party) will decide whether to join the PPEU or not. 2.What shall be the tasks of PPEU? Coordination of PPEU PPs on elections, programe making and policy making. 3.Which competences should PPEU have? Make decisions on common program and policies, represent PPs in EU 4.What should the Common Programme entail and shall it be binding in any way on the Members of PPEU? We drafted a common program core based on the English translation of our party's program. We believe a consensus among the EU-member-state Pirate Parties can be reached on these six topics: Reform of copy monopoly laws * Abolition of information monopolies. Information monopolies prevent people from sharing and using information. The politicians have given in to a series of information monopolies that supposedly motivate creators, inventors and producers to be more active. In reality though, the only ones benefitting from the monopolies are huge corporations whereas the market as a whole is failing (bullying of the collective societies, patent wars, orphan works). Our goal is to create an environment where the motivation to create goes hand in hand with the freedom of information. * Abolishment of software and life–forms patents E-government (not electronic elections) * Institutional independence on location. In the same way you can run all errands with one clerk in the bank, we propose the possibility of making all of your agenda at any office. Nowadays we have to visit several departments and offices. * Communication on the Internet. We will make the administrative agenda accessible in a unified public administration internet portal. Eg. citizens will get the possibility to claim occupation of public space on an interactive map, without the need to visit several offices. A system of feedback will be created in the public administration portal for public objections to regulations. * Digital identity. The fundamental prerequisite for the e-government is a working identity verification system for Internet communication with public administration. One of the available options will be an e-ID with e-signature made free of charge. * Proactive authority. The public institutions should try to deal with problems of the citizens in highest possible measure even without their own initiative (eg. automatically issuing identification documents). After logging-in into the portal of the public administration, the citizen gets a complete overview of their requests, the progress of other official procedures and further important notices. * Proffesional and standardized publishing of documents. Similarly to administration in Germany a unified professional look of documents will be a part of official templates. Thanks to unified templates and free formats complying with Open Data standard the decisions will be processed faster and automatically made public in compliance with the Free Information Access Act according to the model oftransparent organisation. Free Software in the state and local administration * Support of free creators. We will preserve the contemporary free licences and deploy them in the public sector (educational materials, photographs, documents, etc.). We will initiate the migration of the public sector to free software which doesn't have security risks rising from the hidden code and does not bring the dependency on a specific supplier. * Education. From a long term perspective, we see innovation as the key towards the sharing and development of our cultural and intellectual wealth. We supporteducating citizens and students in all types of educational facilities about their right to information and about free formats and software. Furthermore, we support the digitization and publication of documents stored in public libraries and archives. Protection of privacy * Anonymity. We demand the right of anonymity. There must be guaranteed anonymity built into all apparatus used for watching people; following identifiable people should require their explicit voluntary agreement. * Privacy. We may accept surveillance of citizens in a public space only in clearly defined cases and only at the neccesary minimum level (goldsmith's, offices, car park etc.). People must be informed about the rules for using the collected personal information, maximum storage time and the deletion policy. We reject further exchange of the collected data, especially in automatic ways. * Security. Centralized databases run by the state, e.g. health registry, are at risk of leaks and abuse of sensitive information. We demand that citizens must retain control of their personal information and that it must be properly secured. * Safeguards against abuse. In addition, everyone who was specifically followed or had his/her data accessed by the state official(s) should be informed of these facts in due time. * Prohibition of wide interception of communications. The European directive on storing data dictates watching and storing information about all telecommunications connections and also about movement of all cellphones. We, in cooperation with other European pirate parties, seek the abolishment of this directive. * Prohibition of wide spying (cameras, communication, mobile phones etc.). Public spaces are full of cameras that allow watching movement, face identification, and connection with information about traffic without acceptable reasons for this kind of encroachment on privacy. In addition, studies show that the presence of cameras has minimum effect on criminality, or criminality simply moves to other places. This is why we support and prioritise police personnel moving from watching the cameras to walking the streets. * Prohibition of electronic and biological spying. Routine checks must not unreasonably interfere with privacy, so we reject „stripping“ with help of electronic scanners, perusal of private data on electronic devices and other similar invasive procedures. We oppose wide biological material collection from innocent citizens and its storage in central databases. Transparency in government, administration and political parties Transparent organization * publishes all the information about its activities on the Internet (that includes accounting, contracts, structure of property, authority decisions, agenda), except information that is excluded by the law. * all the finance management should be done exclusively via a transparent bank account which is publicly provided by a relevant bank on the Internet * carries out competitive tendering using two-stage model * excersises effective internal mechanism for control and enforcement of transparency rules Universal referendum (upon a citizens' initiative) * Possibility of removal from office of directly elected representatives by petition with signatures of voters. As for the indirectly elected authorities, the citizens should have the right to declare snap elections by petition. * Citizens' legislative initiative which gives citizens opportunities to present petitions with new law proposals. This can protect those citizens' interests that are ignored by political parties. The Parliament or local government has to address the petition proposal and if they don't meet its requirements within one year, the decision will be made in a referendum. Modifications of the Constitution will be possible only through citizens' initiative in order to eliminate special interest modifications repeatedly attempted by politicians. * Binding referenda at state-level, regional-level and municipality-level to decide on citizens' initiatives or principal issues proposed by the Parliament (international agreements, memberships in international organizations, military bases etc.). The government will not be allowed to endorse any a priori positions. 7.What about countries like Spain or Serbia or recently Italy which have more then one Pirate Party? That depends on the voting system that will be chosen. As long as the system doesn't favor countries with multiple parties over countries with single party and as long as only parties able to run for European elections will have a vote in EU-related decisions, we don't oppose multiple parties from one country all having full membership. 9.What types of organs shall a PPEU have? a) Board b) General Assembly (c) Court of Arbitration -- we are not against it but absolutely don't require it) 10.Do you prefer to have a “Chamber of Pirates” from the start or at a later date or not at all? Not at all, unless the structure of the EU changes significantly. 14.Which kind of voting system and voting weight would you consider fair for a PPEU? A one vote per full member system with equal voting weights would be optimal in our opinion, because we believe such a system leads to discussions and compromise instead of simple power play, and it also reflects the nature of the Internet we all stand for. However, in case that would not be acceptable, we hope a system such as the one described in the PP-CAT survey would be chosen. 15.How many members are parts of your Pirate party right now? Do you have a functioning member administration at the moment? 273 members and yes we do. 16.Does your Pirate party demand a membership fee and if yes, how much is it right now? Yes, about 20€ (500 CZK) which is reduced to 12€ (300 CZK) for students, retired people, etc. 17.How many Pirates could you and would you want to send to the organisation as delegates or members of organs at the moment? 2-3 18.What features of a PPEU are especially important for your Pirate party? A common program creation and election campaign coordination. 19.Which are the red lines for your Pirate party? Under what conditions would you not become a member of PPEU? We would not join a PPEU such that it wouldn't be democratic or transparent enough (according to the standards our party was built upon), and in case it would be an objectless shell, or if non-party members and parties from non-EU states had inappropriately large voting priviledges in decision making. (21. And last, but not necessarily least: Is there anything else you like to add to this survey?) Focus on the programe and elections, not the formal body. 22. Have You run for a regional, national and/or European election before? If yes, which ones and when (only the last ones matter) and with what results (Percentage and absolute number of votes)? Yes: Natonal: 2010 - 0,80%, 42 323 votes Regional: 2012 - 2,19% total, 57 805 votes (as one region did not took the elections, its +20 000 votes); best region: 3,03%, 10 617 votes =================================================================== The updated position of the PP-CZ towards the PP-EU: =================================================================== The Czech Pirate Party declared its position towards the PP-EU in August, 2012 - this declaration is available here: https://www.pirati.cz/zo/docs/ppcz_ppeu_2012pos However, the recent development has pressed us towards readjusting our position considerably. The PP-CZ finds the process of creation of the PP-EU - considering decisions made in Barcelona and Manchester mainly - to be nondemocratic, untrustworthy and at this point also redundant. We feel it is now driven solely by the desire to receive the EU funding and will ultimately lead only to a huge amount of time being wasted with no tangible results. Because of these reasons we decided to withdraw from the founding process and only attend those events and partake in those discussions aimed at creating a common program and coordinating a common election campaign for the coming European elections. In this regard, we would like to remind all other Pirate Parties from the EU member states that the Prague declaration was intended mainly as a starting point for a coordinated European elections campaing and only marginally as a declaration of the will to create a European political party. We look forward to your eventual replies and any other input you may have. Sincerely,