1. Delegations Marketa full member: EU-Georgia,Armenia,Azer.; Substitute: Canada, Japan --> Marketa will exhange Japan for Patrick's Euronest PA Marcel full – India Substitute: USA --> will try to switch full and substitute delegation Patrick: full: Switzerland, Iceland and Norway and to the European Economic Area (EEA) + Delegation to the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly Substitute: EU-Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia --> Petra will ask for Patrick to be removed from the Euronest PA Mikulas: Full: EU-Ukraine 1. Strasbourg July II Accommodation booked in Citotel Hotel Pax The price is 365 € per person per room for three nights. agenda: 1. Procurements 1.1. Berlin (trainees) Jana should collect the CVs Approved by: Mikuláš, Markéta, Marcel, Patrick The procurement has been approved. 0.1. Approved by: Mikuláš, Markéta, Patrick 0.1. Approved by: Mikuláš, Markéta, Patrick 0.1. Approved by: Markéta, Patrick, note by Patrick: The draft says "approval by the delegation". If this staff is to be employed individually by Marketa, it should probably read "approval by the MEP". Isn't it shared among Markéta and Marcel? 0.1. Approved by: Markéta, Patrick, Mikuláš note by Patrick: The draft says "approval by the delegation". Since this staff is to be employed individually by Marketa, it should probably read "approval by the MEP". the delagation as whole has higher prestige, I think After discussion with Markéta, we agreed to modify it to "Czech Pirate MEPs are looking". It is perfectly possible, that me and Marcel will hire a person for the same advertisement. The description is great. 0.1. Draft procurement for European Law Advisor: (languages to be discussed, Googledoc says to require Czech and German, too) Approved by: 0.1. Draft procurement for group Advisor on anti-corruption and containing lobbyism: (the text doesn't mention the group as I am not sure whether we can publicly advertise a group position) Approved by: 1. Division of tasks Agreed: * Eszter working primarily with Marcel * Aimilia working with Patrick * David working with Mikuláš * Martina will work with Petra * Comment * To be decided: Administrative assistants – Shared? How many? * two administrative assistants in Brussels - tasks divided by Petra, so that they are not overloaded and MEPs don't have to check, who does what 1. GEA In general: you have available 4 513 EUR monthly (115 000 CZK), paid out at the end of each month for the month following. GEA is primarily at your disposal to cover any expenses which are directly linked to the exercise of your mandate, such as: * Operational costs of offices - local office, Brussels, Strasbourg (rent, charges, equipment, office supplies, furniture, everyday items, etc. * IT (purchase, rental, installation, running, maintenance) of IT equipment, mobile devices or software, telephone charges * Media - subscriptions, website hosting, costs of operating social media * Organization of meetings, expenses of guests * Generally - covering material/operational costs, only exceptionally remuneration for services - in attachment informational overview of possible defrayable expenses * If you have not used the full amount of the allowance, you CAN return unused amounts to the EP * Note Patrick: The Greens/EFA group has rightly decided that MEPs shall return unused amounts To consider: * Who will have access to your GEA account? * Who will be responsible for payments and monthly overviews? * How would you like to cover shared expenses? - creating 5th transparent account for expenses of the delegation and shared staff * Would you like to cover your assistant's telephone charges? YES 1. CZ PP Republic Board (Marketa, Marcel) * CZ PP Board is asking for a strategy to be created in connection to membership of Greens/EFA Group - create draft strategy - submit by 31.8.2019 * Will be dealt with by Mikuláš 1. Regular delegation meetings Original timing on Mondays BRU 13-15 and SXB 14-16 not feasible Proposal: Brussels - Staff meeting on Mondays 13-15, MEP delegation meeting other day – Tuesday morning? Thursday afternoon? I could write you briefing in points from Monday staff meeting and for the respective week agenda and then the delegation meeting could be on Thursday. Strasbourg – Delegation meeting should be on Monday to go through the agenda and prepare positions for problematic files/votes (16-17 Group meeting) 1. Trainees * Different rules for trainees in Brussels (Strasbourg) and in CZ/DE * In EP: * 18 years of age (possible derogation in exceptional cases) * Monthly allowance between 800 € and 1 313 € to consider: shared trainees? paid from delegation budget? 0.1. Patrick proposing candidate for three weeks in October – Lorena 0.2. Draft procurement for communication trainee: 1. Harassment training info - mandatory for MEPs and staff to go through the harassment training European Pirate delagation approves harassment training to be mandatory for all the MEPs and staff of the delegation. YES - Mikuláš, Markéta, Marcel, Patrick NO - Abstained - 1. Signatures – unified signatures, Petra will send you few proposals to choose from 1. APA French courses – possibility for APAs to visit French courses, but they are very time-consuming. 3,5 hours twice a week confirmed, Marcel will sign course request for Aimilia. previous pad: next pad: