Delegation meeting 22. 07. 2019 1. Meeting with Assange attorneys - proposal from Rico Brouwer from PP NL * Jens from German PP brought a proposal of meeting Assange in prison in September and meeting with team of his attorneys in November. * It will be decided whether Patrick would attend * Eszter and Aimilia would like to be present to the meeting * Patrick will take care of communication with Jens 1. Lobby register * EP rules: rapporteurs and shadow rapporteurs must register their meetings in EP transparency register * Justus on Lobbycal * Database of all Green MEPs meetings * Financed by the Group last time - unlikely they will keep it running * Administered by external company - contract between the Group and the company (Pam) * Compliance with internal Party rules - * What should be included * NGO meetings * MEP meetings should be included as well * Training on lobby register - for staff members - Petra and Martina organization * Technical solution to be created - Mikulas 1. MEPs Tuesday photo sessions schedule 1 hour per MEP + 30 mins for Group photo * Mikuláš: 13:30-14:30 * Marcel: 11:00 - 12:00 * Markéta: 14:30 - 15:30 * Patrick: 15:30 (possibly - waiting for his confirmation) 1. Communication channel with Pirates to replace Slack * Transfer to matrix * creation of own infrastructure * strategic meeting necessary - to discuss further approach 1. Platform for sharing documents - 2. European Pirates website * Continuation of Julia's transparency tradition * lobby meetings, accounting (GEA), calendar --> OK * sharing documents - amendments, negotiations, voting *